Joong Yeon Kim completed his Masters of Traditional Chinese Medicine degree from the Colorado School of Traditional Chinese Medicine. The four-year program consists of 2,850 hours of education including 990 hours of clinical practice. Joong Yeon's training includes acupuncture, 5 Element Acupuncture, internal medicine, moxibustion, tui na, cupping, Chinese nutrition, auriculotherapy, and energetic exercise. The National Certification Commission for Acupuncture and Chinese Herbal Medicine (NCCAOM) certified Joong Yeon as a Diplomat of Chinese Herbal Medicine and Acupuncture. Joong Yeon is a licensed acupuncturist and is licensed as a Diplomat of Chinese Herbal Medicine through the State of Colorado.
In addition to TCM, Joong Yeon has studied Korean Hand Acupuncture, also called Koryo Hand Therapy(KHT) or Soojichim. The Korean Hand Acupuncture theorizes that the hands are a micro-cosmos of the body. The function of the human body can be manipulated by stimulating the corresponding points on our hands.
Joong Yeon is also very interested in the treatment of diseases of the teeth, oral cavity, and jaws, and oral manifestations of systemic diseases. He is now joining the integrated Chinese medicine with Western medicine research group to study diseases of the mouth.
Joong Yeon's specialties include: