Russell Began his undergraduate studies in pre-med at the University of New Mexico, but fate intervened when he injured his back helping a friend move. He soon seeked out acupuncture as an alternativeto drugs for pain relief. The result of these treatments were so profoundly positive that he decided to make acupuncture Asian medicine a career. He graduated from Southwest Acupuncture College in Santa Fe, NM in 1992.
Russell worked in Texas with a D.O. for a few years treating pain conditions of all kinds. In 1996 he returned to New Mexico and was licensed as a D.O.M. (doctor of Oriental medicine). Russell is also board certified by the NCCAOM and is a licensed acupuncturist in Colorado.
During his 27 years of practice in New Mexico he began adding NAET and later BioSet to his practice to help patients with allergies and other immune problems. More recently, after 27 years of private practice in New Mexico, he relocated to Denver, Colorado. He now practices traditional Chinese medicine alongside BioSet/NAET using a unique combination of applied applied kinesiology, computerized electronic testing, and KHT. While many different health concerns may be improved, he specializes in, digestive problems, hormone imbalances, pain, immune function, and allergies. Since the goal should not simply be to improve a patient's symptoms, Dr. Baum believes strongly that the root of most health problems comes from imbalances in the gut. Because of this, enzymes and proper diet are foundational to his approach. Russell feels strongly that the patient/practitioner bond is a sacred one and is passionate about helping people achieve balance in their health.
When not helping his patients, he enjoys skiing, hiking with his dog, and playing flute and guitar.